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Knee Pain and Knee Specialist in Singapore

by William

An additional usual issue for individuals is the problem in discovering and also getting to a medical diagnosis where the knee discomfort as well as injury stemmed from. Usually it is not evident to the individual. An example of this is someone that awakens with discomfort because of a knee twist that took place the day in the past. There might not be any type of swelling in the knee however it harms. An additional instance is the senior that endures discomfort from knee joint inflammation as well as an X-ray has actually disclosed a loss of cartilage in the knee.

Some uncomfortable problems arise from playing sporting activities as well as from simple twists and also drops. These uncomfortable troubles remain, causing grinding, locking, as well as providing means of the knee. Prolonged grinding might result in damages or tear to the soft cells or cartilage in the knee creating even more discomfort as well as the requirement for therapy. A sharp injury might create discomfort. An example of an abrupt injury is a torn tendon or a crack. These generally create extreme discomfort and also ought to be examined by a physician.

Knee discomfort is a common grievance that influences individuals of any ages. Knee discomfort might be the outcome of an injury, such as a burst ligament or torn cartilage. Clinical problems consisting of infection, gout arthritis as well as joint inflammation can likewise create knee discomfort.

What is knee pain?

Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. It may be sharp or dull, off-and-on or steady, localized (such as back pain) or all over (such as muscle aches from the flu). Sometimes, pain alerts us to injuries and illnesses that need attention. Although knee joint pain is different due to its function and massive loading, the way of pain occurring, mechanism, and types of pain are quite similar to other joint pain. However, pain can vary in intensity and quality greatly. It may be a sharp pain that gets worse when you walk or even put slight pressure down on the painful area. Sometimes however, the pain can be less specific, a stiffness or an ache deep within the knee. There are acute pains and chronic pains. Acute pains may be caused by a recent injury you have sustained after falling over or direct impact, it can also occur if an old injury has been aggravated. These pains tend to have a rapid onset and can be very intense although they are usually localized to one spot. Chronic pain is a pain than has developed gradually over time, it may be as a result of an untreated acute injury, or an underlying cause within the knee joint itself. Eruptions of pain with changing weather and lasting with long periods are common characteristics. Osteoarthritis knee pain and chronic pain following knee arthroplasty are representative examples of chronic pain. Each type of pain has different treatment methods, therefore it is vital for your knee pain doctor Singapore to find out as much information as possible about your knee pain.

Common causes of knee pain

Acute traumatic injury. This is a specific incident which causes pain and swelling. This can be classified into specific injuries based on the tissue that is injured. Fractures can occur in the patella, the distal femur, and the proximal tibia. These are usually as a result of a high-energy trauma. The patella can also be dislocated typically as a result of a twisting injury. Tearing the meniscus is a very common injury, especially in sport. This can either occur in an acute event or can be the final stage of a degenerative process. It is more common in younger people. The presentation of an acute ligament injury can be similar to the meniscus, but the mechanism is usually a forceful twisting movement with the foot planted. The most common knee ligament to be sprained or torn is the ACL. This is followed by the PCL and MCL. Given time, usually 6-8 weeks, the sprain of a ligament will make a good recovery. A tear is defined by instability of the knee and may require surgery. High-grade injuries can be associated with other significant injuries to the knee.

The single largest category of cause of knee pain Singapore is arthritis. This is a complex subject in its own right and is covered in detail in the section on arthritis. Other causes of knee pain can be placed in the following loose categories.

Importance of seeking a knee specialist

Disregarding knee torment event, the likelihood that one can mishandle a physically dynamic lifestyle in the future is what everybody expects after an essential injury. Recognize the critical example of a 17-year-old national soccer player imagining a first genuine knee injury. Close by the offended state from muscle and tendon injuries, the chance of post-traumatic osteoarthritis remains the best concern. Without right interventions to vital anatomical constructions, there is a future peril of early osteoarthritis. Because of his young age, the most great long stretch result is needed. By suggesting a trained professional or an expert in the domain of sports solution for assistance torment adventure and tackle anatomical rebuilding, one would be ensured the most ideal treatment. Preceding any movement being done, an enthusiastic life saver and improve the possibility of better quality life is what’s more refined. Active individuals or contenders maintaining any genuine knee wounds ought to comprehend that the dominion of activity being done through the seriously fixated on knee is temporarily torpidity. Any development intends to constrain torture and to consider better convenience results. In the subjects, his primary target would be a significant returned to wear his public soccer hierarchical abilities measure he might be using this as a motivation to continue with treatment intervention. An overall technique by the expert and contender would allow explicit movement objectives and it would not be exceptional to join qualities of an objective for a clinical practice. And this in a physiotherapist’s association with agreeable outcomes.

Finding the Right Knee Specialist in Singapore

Consider the best knee specialists in Singapore. They will usually specialize in a certain area of knee orthopedics. If a knee surgeon is a specialist in treating ACL injuries, it is likely that this is where their expertise lies. ACL reconstructions that are routinely performed by knee surgeons are a good indication that this is a specialist suitable to see if you have an ACL injury. Similarly, if you have patella-femoral joint (kneecap) arthritis, finding a knee surgeon who is experienced at managing this condition and offers a variety of treatment options including joint-preserving surgery would be most beneficial. The more information that you can get about a specialist’s expertise in your area of condition through their website or other resources, the better you will be able to make an assessment as to whether this is a suitable specialist to see.

Research reputable knee specialists in Singapore. Many knee specialists in Singapore specialize in different areas such as the treatment of sports injuries, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other musculoskeletal and knee joint disorders. It is important to find a specialist that is experienced in treating your specific condition. Most knee specialists will have a website that provides information on their areas of expertise and the procedures that they offer. There are also various medical and healthcare websites in Singapore that provide doctor listings and reviews. These websites may be useful to get a general idea of the specialist’s reputation and practice, although the information contained within them should not be the sole basis of judgment as these listings are not always up to date. It might be more helpful to ask your GP or allied health professional for a recommendation to a knee specialist that is suitable for your needs. This method is usually more effective and reliable, particularly if the recommendation comes from another medical professional. Recommendations from friends and family can also be useful.

Researching reputable knee specialists

Don’t limit your research to just one specialist. Investigate various knee specialists in Singapore and make a list of potential doctors. Your primary care doctor may be able to refer you to a few specialists or friends and family may have some recommendations. Do some checking and basic research online to build a list of potential knee specialists. Like with any profession, some knee specialists are more skilled and experienced than others. In order to be able to identify the more reputable knee specialists, you will need to know a little bit more about what exactly it is that they do. Orthopaedic surgeons are highly trained experts who are qualified to perform surgery on your bones and joints. Don’t be confused by the term ‘surgeon’ as it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be performing surgery on you. Many knee surgeons in Singapore are also adept in treating other knee conditions without surgery. Some people have already been diagnosed and are aware that they may need surgery, but for those who are uncertain it’s important to know whether they are more comfortable with a non-surgical form of treatment.

Considering the specialist’s expertise

When considering knee specialist treatment, it is important to ascertain what type of treatment is needed, and whether it will be the most effective means to a beneficial end. Consulting a physician orthopaedic surgeon can determine whether or not surgery is required. Other specialists, such as physical therapists and more recently, sports physicians, can provide different methods of treatment and rehabilitation. High level athletes, particularly those who are seeking to return back to active sports participation, require a specialist who understands the needs and demands of their own unique population. An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan is necessary for every case, and therefore finding a specialist with the right expertise to fit the specific needs is crucial.

The complex design and intricate workings of the knee in supporting the weight of the body, while enabling a wide range of movement, leave it particularly vulnerable to a variety of traumatic, degenerative and overuse injuries. Like an intricate piece of machinery, such as an automobile, the knee consists of moving parts. All of the parts need to work together in order for the machine to function effectively. If one or more of the parts is not working properly, it affects the rest of the machine. A human’s long-term dependent mobility makes healing and rehabilitation from knee injury or surgery all the more vital, to ensure a productive and quality lifestyle can be maintained.

Specialist treatment is generally preferable when it comes to knee pain and injury. Many people believe that powerful new drugs provide a cure, or that hot and cold treatments relieve pain. Although these treatments may provide symptomatic relief, they do nothing to cure the underlying cause of pain. Worst still, the loss of time involved in trying out various treatments means that an underlying condition can get worse, and become more difficult to resolve later on.

Evaluating the specialist’s experience and qualifications

A study published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, conducted by JB Browne, JV Pietrobon and HA Mukherjee, looked at the relation between the surgeon’s experience and complication rates of total knee and hip arthroplasty (replacement). The study was a meta-analysis of 33 other studies. A total of 36,696 patients who had undergone the surgeries were analyzed. The results showed that the surgeons who were considered ‘high volume’, meaning they perform more of the specific procedures, had notably fewer in-hospital complications of the patients. With over 25 total knee arthroplasty studies, a high volume surgeon was related to a statistically decreased combined complication rate of 3.96% to 6.10%. This included decreases of deep vein thrombosis, infection, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infection and in-hospital death. Similar findings were found with hip replacements and both surgery types had shorter post-operative lengths of stay.

When considering joint replacement surgery, the quality of the surgeon is essential to increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. Studies have shown that patients who have had complications after hip or knee replacement surgery are more likely to have had a surgeon with less experience. Finding a competent and experienced knee surgeon in Singapore is not difficult as they are well trained and skilled. However, it is important to select one that specializes in joint replacement surgery. This includes surgeons who have undertaken further training in this field, with years of experience and who perform a high volume of these specific procedures. It has been suggested that the learning curve for new joint replacements is about 50-100 cases; hence the experience of the surgeon is significantly related to the success of the surgery. A surgeon’s experience can affect many variables of surgery that are related to the clinical and functional outcome of the patient.

Treatment Options for Knee Pain in Singapore

Apart from taking a careful history and a comprehensive physical examination to reach a correct diagnosis of the knee problem, it is important to get weight-bearing X-rays of the knee to differentiate between osteoarthritis, meniscus problems, ligament injuries, or patellofemoral problems. Treatment must be directed at the specific diagnosis if possible to try and resolve the knee problem in a timely fashion. Measures to reduce pain and inflammation such as rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and ice can be useful. A brace can be used to provide support and stability to the knee. Physical therapy to improve range of motion, strength, and flexibility of the knee can help for a variety of knee problems. An injection of glucocorticoids into the knee has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is useful for almost any type of inflammatory arthritis in the knee, a meniscus problem, or a flare of pain in gout. The above-mentioned measures can be unsuccessful for chronic knee problems, and some of the treatments that follow are geared more towards specific knee diagnoses. High tibial osteotomy is a surgical alternative to knee replacement that can relieve pain on the inner portion of the knee in young patients with unicompartmental osteoarthritis. The purpose of the surgery is to transfer the weight-bearing load to the normally aligned portion of the knee and delay the progression of osteoarthritis in the rest of the knee. This is accomplished by cutting the tibia and bone grafting or opening wedge to realign the leg axis.

Non-surgical treatments for knee pain

The article as a whole is about knee treatment in Singapore. All of the treatment options listed in this section are available in Singapore, though PRP and Hyluronic Acid injections are more popular in the private sector. The injections are also not covered by insurance and are generally more costly than the other treatments listed.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment is a recently developed technique, in which blood is taken from the patient and injected into the injured knee. The blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet rich plasma from the blood. The blood is what carries nutrients to the body while the plasma is made up of small particles called platelets, which are important in blood clotting. The idea is that the increased platelets will expedite the healing of the injury. Studies have shown that this treatment does reduce pain and expedite recovery in the first few weeks, though it does not show significant differences from the control group after 6 months.

There are several non-surgical treatments for those who suffer from knee pain. They are usually less invasive and are designed to treat specific underlying causes of knee pain. Some of the treatments are described below:

Surgical options for knee pain

ACL reconstruction: An ACL deficient knee that is associated with giving way and has recurrent episodes of the knee “popping out” may lead to secondary damage of the knee cartilages. An unstable knee will lead to increased load on the joint surface and can result in a fast track to knee arthritis. It is thus important to consider ACL reconstruction in active individuals and sportsmen. This can prevent further damage to the knee and reduce the risk of early onset knee arthritis. Initial rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction will be protective to allow the graft to heal well. This is followed by a structured rehabilitation program to regain the lost strength and function in the knee.

Meniscus repair: Because the meniscus plays a crucial shock-absorbing role in the knee, meniscus preservation is attempted whenever possible. The outer third of the meniscus has a good blood supply, and a long tear here can often be repaired. This is generally performed by suturing the torn edges together. Studies have shown that meniscus repair results in better long-term outcomes for the knee compared to meniscectomy, in which the meniscus is removed.

Partial meniscectomy: A tear in the meniscus that leads to pain on the affected side is a common condition. It frequently occurs in isolation and can be successfully treated with arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. This involves removing the torn piece of meniscus while leaving as much of the normal meniscus intact as possible.

Presently, technology and advanced understanding of knee pathology, a number of surgical options are available to address the specific problems causing discomfort in your knee. Most of these procedures are carried out arthroscopically as a day surgery procedure. It is good to understand the procedure your doctor is recommending so that you can participate in your recovery and ask informed questions about what to expect.

Rehabilitation and post-treatment care

Rehabilitation without treatment The initial treatment for many knee conditions is rest. This may involve a couple of days of modified activity and reduced weight bearing. More severe forms of rest may require crutches or a cane, or in more extreme cases, the use of only a chair or a framed toilet seat for elderly individuals. Understanding how long to use this form of treatment is crucial, as prolonged immobilization or offloading has detrimental effects on muscle mass and strength, as well as other structures of the knee.

Specific objectives for different treatments refine the type, duration, and goals of rehabilitation. For example, a seventy-year-old man with knee osteoarthritis will have the same rehabilitation objectives as a young athlete rehabilitating after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Rehabilitation following a knee pain treatment is crucial for smooth movement and appearance. The objective of rehabilitating a patient after treatment is to lower discomfort and inflammation, immobilize and offload the knee, restore normal range of motion and strength, and slowly return to daily activities including sports.

Preventing Knee Pain in Singapore

Using proper techniques during physical activities It is all too easy to injure the knee by doing a simple, everyday activity. A case in point, you can put up to 3-5 times your body weight on the knee when you go up and down stairs. Small tasks such as carrying a child or lifting a heavy object incorrectly can also cause knee damage. When performing any tasks, it is best for the knee to practice bending at the hips and knees instead of at the waist and crouching, thus keeping the stress off the knees.

Regular exercise and strengthening the knee The knee is better supported and protected if the muscles around them are strong. Whether you are giving the muscles more strength to help an existing knee condition or prevent one from occurring it is best to speak to a specialist on which exercises are appropriate for you. Strengthening exercises should be a combination of muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise that avoid putting stress on the knee. It has been proven that specific exercises can in fact reduce risk of knee injuries. Exercises that are beneficial for the knee are: swimming, walking, stationary cycling and light weight training.

Maintaining a healthy weight Being overweight increases your chances of developing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the knees. Additionally, for those who already have arthritis, being overweight can make symptoms worse. Losing weight can help to ease the symptoms of knee pain and prevent any further damage from occurring. The best treatment for this is to combine a healthy, calorie-controlled diet and increased physical activity.

Maintaining a healthy weight

Maintaining an ideal weight can help prevent knee pain. If you are overweight, even losing a small amount of weight can help prevent pain and damage to your knees. The following are additional benefits from maintaining an ideal weight: better physical function, preventing structural damage to your knee, and reducing the risk of developing osteoarthritis in your knee. A good measure to see if you are at a healthy weight is to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is a calculation of your weight in relation to your height. If you find that you are not in the healthy weight range, losing some weight can be beneficial to your knees. This can be achieved through a combination of regular exercise and controlling your dietary intake. If you have an existing knee condition, you should seek advice from your doctor or a specialist in knee pain on an appropriate weight loss and exercise program.

Regular exercise and strengthening the knee

Regular exercise is necessary to keep the muscles of the leg strong. It is desirable to have a balanced program which includes the muscles of the front and back of the thigh (quadriceps and hamstring) and the muscles of the inner and outer thigh. One good general exercise that can be done every second day is stair climbing, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and doesn’t put too much stress on the knee. It is good to start with five minutes and increase gradually to 20 minutes. Another good exercise is cycling on a stationary bike. This is good for the muscles and doesn’t put a lot of stress on the knee joint itself. Leg presses, hamstring curls and extensions and other gym machine weights can be done as long as they are comfortable and are not likely to exacerbate any knee pain. It is important to not overdo it with weight training as heavy lifting and squats can damage the knee joint. Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise and is very gentle on the knee. The breast stroke kick is not a good idea however as it requires forceful knee straightening which can damage the knee joint. Basketball, netball, badminton and other sports involving twisting and turning and sudden changes of pace should be avoided as they can cause injury to the knee joint. Martial arts and high impact aerobics can also be hard on the knee and may have negative repercussions. It is better to participate in things such as walking, golf, or light aerobics. These are just a few examples; any activity that is comfortable and does not irritate the knee is acceptable.

Using proper techniques during physical activities

Using proper techniques during physical activities is important. The absence of warm-up exercises before physical activities is a major cause of knee pain and injury. Warm-ups increase the blood flow to the muscles, which in turn decreases muscle stiffness. Start your warm-up with an aerobic exercise like 5 minutes of stationary cycling, brisk walking, slow jogging, running, or jumping jacks. This should be followed by less strenuous stretching exercises that target the muscle groups to be used during the sport or activity. Stretching should be slow and involve a sustained stretch (15-30 seconds) to the point of tightness but not pain. This should help prevent sports-related injury, but unfortunately, there is no fail-safe method to prevent injury. Sports or activities involving high impact or sharp twisting actions increase the risk of an acute knee injury and should be avoided if possible. If you’ve had a previous knee injury, it’s particularly important to avoid activities that could cause further damage. If you’re not sure whether an activity is good for your knees, ask your doctor. Alternatives to high-impact activities are often available. For example, you might turn to cycling, swimming, or water aerobics. These types of activities can provide excellent cardiovascular exercise while being easy on the knees. Finally, one should cool down after sports or activity. This is similar to the stretching exercises during the warm-up. It will help decrease the heart rate and relax the muscles, resulting in less stiffness and soreness. Done properly, it has great value in helping to prevent future injury or reduce the risk of chronic knee problems. The steps outlined here for prevention are generally simple and inexpensive. When compared to the hardship of living with knee pain or an injury, it is definitely worth the time and effort.

Wearing appropriate footwear

Wearing the right kind of shoes can help in preventing knee pain. Your feet are the base of your body and if your feet are not properly supported, it can affect the rest of your body, especially your knees. When your shoes wear down, it causes your walking pattern to be altered, off balance, and unnatural. It is important to choose a shoe that is appropriate for the activity that you are participating in. Different sports and activities require different types of shoes to support and protect your feet as well as provide adequate shock absorption. For example, runners should change their shoes every 450-500 miles of use because when the mid-sole becomes compressed, it loses the majority of its support or shock absorption capabilities. High impact sports such as basketball, volleyball, or running should be done in shoes with good arch and heel support to reduce shock and pressure and distribute the weight more evenly. This will reduce the pressure on the inner knee, which can cause pain and damage over time. It is also important to remember that shoes have a life expectancy and the materials they are made from may deteriorate over time. So it is important to replace shoes when necessary. Proper footwear, as mentioned previously, is shoes that are activity appropriate and not worn out. Most of us have shoes that we have grown attached to, but by holding on to a pair of worn-out shoes, we are risking the health of our knees. The supportive and shock-absorbing features of a shoe wear down over time and with use, which in turn can cause knee pain or exacerbate already existing knee problems. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that although slightly more expensive, buying the appropriate footwear for an activity and replacing old shoes when necessary can save money on knee treatments and potential surgery in the future.

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